Driven By A Love Of Kinetic Sculptures, I Strive To Incorporate A Sense Of Movement Within My Artwork.

WIND / 2023/ Mobile/ 37" x 13" / Materials: wood, lacquer, eyebolts, barrel swivels Challenged to use animate, gather, and superfluidity, as inspiration, I swiftly identified these terms as a perfect description of a mobile.

CRANIOMETER / 2022/ Mixed Media Mobile/ 36" Diameter/ Materials: steel, copper tubing, gaskets, finials, and skull. My love of antique medical equipment inspired me to make this reproduction of a skull measuring device.

STEAMPUNK QI / 2018/ Mixed Media/ 13" x 8"/ Materials: broken Qi model, fan, camera parts, sewing machine parts, oil lamp, pocket watch. This piece represents the movement of Qi around the body and the power that this vital life force energy has for our health and welfare.

THE JUGGLER / 2017/ Mixed Media Puppet/ 27" x 15"/ Materials: doll parts, fabric, wool, vintage cast iron teapots, wood, string, rubber tube, embroidery hoop, wire, shoe stretcher As an avid collector of vintage and hand-made Marionettes and a love of street performance inspired me to create this fully functioning juggler marionette.

GET A GRIP / 2020/ Mixed Media/ 29" X 13"/ Materials: Artificial arm, wood table, steel, and tools. This hooked artificial arm inspired me to create a display with adaptable artist tools.

TE IN THE WIND / 2023/ Welding/ 48" x 21" / Materials: steel, pipe and stone. A broken chunk of the stone pillar from my front walk inspired me to create this abstract outdoor piece that moves in the wind.

CAPTURED / 2021/ Mixed Media Lamp/ 13" x 7" / Materials: glass vase, candle sticks parts, steamer, oil lamp, clock parts, hardware, lamp cord, bulb, moss, sticks, rubber gaskets, bracelets, toys. This lamp suggests the moment of alien abduction as the victim is beamed to the ship.

MISS BODY DYSMORPHIA / 2023/ Body Casting/ 48" x 36" / Materials: plastic wrap, packing tape, measuring tape, wire, ribbon. As someone who struggles with body image, I wanted to delve into my feelings about this. Plastic casting my own body, I then cut and peeled it away from society's ideal body type. inside the peel are the harmful words used to describe those who do not meet the ideal.

Horned Faerie / 2017/ Mixed Media/ 14" x 9"/ Materials: Car horn, door knob, a candlestick, oil lantern, doll parts, hair extensions, and feathers. Constructing faeries from found materials. has always been a guilty pleasure of mine.

ENSNARE / 2023/ Welding/ 16" X 13"/ Materials: Steel rods, rusted lock, and plasma cut steel sheets. A brutalist sculpture that captures the hectic motion of escaping from a trap.

FEELING A LITTLE SALTY / 2015/ Mixed Media/ 7" X 3"/ Materials: Salt shaker, tassels, silver cup, doll parts, wool, and feathers. Inspired by a broken silver salt shaker, I created this festive faerie.

MOTHER TIME / 2019/ Mixed Media Lamp/ 12" X 8"/ Materials: Lightbulb cage, hammerhead, bells, clock face, gears, candle holder, spoons, silver creamer ,and jewelry. This whimsical robot-style lamp was inspired by an old bulb cage and a broken hammer that I envisioned as a bird.